Mental Health Matters

Identifying, accepting and forgiveness are three of the key things that have helped me with my mental health.

In some situations it’s totally normal to have mental health conversations and be honest about your struggles. Then in others you’re made to feel weak, dramatic or like you’re over sharing. My journal is none of these things. My journal is safe, non judgemental, it’s my friend and my home. 

The stigmas around mental health need to be broken and we need to welcome the normalization that everyone has a story, as well as find comfort in that. Your journey is not better or worse than someone else’s. Your experiences have helped or hindered your path, and your thoughts and feelings are real and VALID. 

If you don’t journal I encourage you to put pen to paper! Change starts with you. A baby step is still a step. 

The journal featured in this photo is available on as well as many others!