Light and Dark

The theme of lightness and darkness has been intensely present for me the last few weeks. I’ve found it comforting that the universe is so utterly supportive in times of need.

“Growing though”, not “going through” difficult times can be tricky. We have to be able to hold our light in the face of darkness. For me, darkness normally looks like crippling fear and pessimistic overthinking. It’s only as I complete more shadow work and continue to accept and love all the parts of myself, that I’m able to transform. Able to continue my awoken state and evolve further. 

I took a yoga class recently at a news studio, with a new instructor. As I was preparing to bury my grandmother I needed to use those tools in my tool belt I’m always speaking of. Yoga, breath, community….three important pillars of not only my sobriety but of my life. During this class the instructor was reminding us of our light and dark. She beautifully explained that we all have warm and light…..cold and dark, and they live within our physical and metaphorical homes. The house that we actually reside in and the house that resides within us. It’s imperative to take inventory in both houses, keep them clean, maintain them, update them, provide lights and warmth within the cold and dark spaces.

This is the yin and yang. The balance.  The healing. The coexisting. It is acceptance and true love. So as I rock my grandmother’s wardrobe and smile through the pain I’ve been experiencing, I am able to because I respect and honor the light. I let it in during times of darkness. I reach out when I need help. I allow myself to also feel the dark and cold because I am worthy of the warm and light.