Journal Prompts for the New Year

Here are a few prompts if one of your New Years goals is to start a journaling practice!

Many of these will also serve someone with years of journaling experience .

Read more: Journal Prompts for the New Year

I recommend writing the prompt and 3 – 5 answers below it. These can be just a few words, a couple sentences or full paragraphs. There is no right or wrong way to journal. Just get cozy, put pen to paper and let it flow.

What are challenges you faced in 2022 that you have overcome.

What was some joy that you experienced?

Thing you are grateful for.

Thing you’d like to work on in 2023.

Things you are proud of.

Things you celebrate in self.


A new month brings fresh opportunities to set goals and intensions, while new emotions surface. I’ve noticed the more I grow and submerge myself into this healing journey, the more these things develop. My focus becomes clearer and I’m able to set boundaries and operate in a higher vibration.

Read more: NEWvember

The idea is to stay uncomfortable. Lean into the fear and the unknown with an open mind and an open heart. Comfort doesn’t breed growth or creation. When we allow change we encourage transformation. This allows us to step out of our unconscious mind and repetitive behaviors, so that we are able to receive the endless possibilities and opportunities that the universe provides.

I’ve designed NEWvember to release and push myself into whatever the NEW is. We’ve heard the phrase “try something new” but this is much more than learning a new language, and much deeper than taking up a new hobby. For me personally, this is accepting the newest parts of myself, my surroundings and the people within them. This is challenging my mind to think in new ways. Using the tools I’ve gathered to react to situations in a different manner. This is choosing to not repeat unhealthy patterns that no longer serve me, and sure while I’m at it why not try something new too!

NEW can look so different to each and every one of us, but one thing we all share is that we all start at the same place – the beginning. The beginning of a journey. The beginning of no longer accepting the way we are or the way things are. The beginning of change. How blessed we are to be able to not only invite the new in, but welcome and embrace it.

I am ready to accept the highs and lows of the tide, the waves that change will bring into my life. I encourage you to do the same.

Keeping the Peace

One of my most recent realizations has been seeing the costs of “keeping the peace”.  I always thought I was doing the right thing by not stirring the pot, just doing things to be nice, or keeping my mouth shut because it’s easier than speaking up. 

Read more: Keeping the Peace

This was a hard lesson learned, while also a most valuable one. I was destroying my own inner peace. Don’t get me wrong, there’s certainly a learning curve here. You don’t need to say EVERYTHING that’s on your mind, and you will lose people who don’t grow with you on this journey so do your best to be prepared for that.

Find the balance. You can still do the nice things, as long as it’s appreciated and not taken advantage of. Stay mindful of your own cup, as you can’t pour from an empty one. 

We all have the power to say enough is enough at any moment. Take inventory of your actions and ask yourself the tough question,

“Am I behaving this way or doing these things at the cost of my own truth and happiness?”

Boundary setting is one of the hardest practices. It requires vulnerability, consciousness and clarity of our wants and needs, as well as understanding, self love and forgiveness. If you’re just beginning to set boundaries you may feel guilty, selfish or mean. This is because it’s uncomfortable and new, not because you’re doing something wrong. Your needs are valid and setting boundaries, like anything in life, will get easier the more consistent you are. 

Below are some steps to start and continue with your other practices. Hopefully these will give you some direction and the confidence to enter into your higher vibrations!

✨Be clear and specific in your boundaries so there is nothing left unsaid and nothing to misinterpret.

✨Be direct, this shows that you’re firm and serious with taking action in doing what will serve you best. There’s no need to apologize for that.

✨Fearing conflict will only set you back. Fear is that nasty pest that stops us from doing so many things that will actually improve our lives.

✨Expect to have to repeat and reiterate these boundaries, especially if you’re setting boundaries with people who don’t take you seriously. You will have to continue to do this until your boundaries are respected. Stay patient. 

✨Rest within your own space and knowing in your heart that you are worthy, safe and strong. Boundaries are a form of self care.


 When I first started this post it was my intention to draw awareness to all the taboo surrounding women’s cycles and all of the ridiculous slang names that are used for a menstrual cycle, to make other people feel more comfortable when talking about it. Buuuut the more research I started to do, honestly the angrier I got. There is so much that needs to be shared and normalize when it comes to this topic. So shifting a bit I thought since I’m sharing this on my platform and I use my personal experiences to help others, I have decided to share my period story with you, because as females we all have one.

Continue reading “Period.”