Keeping the Peace
Light and Dark
The theme of lightness and darkness has been intensely present for me the last few weeks. I’ve found it comforting that the universe is so utterly supportive in times of need.
Continue reading “Light and Dark”Happy Anniversary
Wow you guys!!! Missed my own anniversary! Raw Awakening became an official business August 23rd 2020. Happy One Year Anniversary!!!! 🎈✨
Continue reading “Happy Anniversary”Period.
When I first started this post it was my intention to draw awareness to all the taboo surrounding women’s cycles and all of the ridiculous slang names that are used for a menstrual cycle, to make other people feel more comfortable when talking about it. Buuuut the more research I started to do, honestly the angrier I got. There is so much that needs to be shared and normalize when it comes to this topic. So shifting a bit I thought since I’m sharing this on my platform and I use my personal experiences to help others, I have decided to share my period story with you, because as females we all have one.
Continue reading “Period.”Mental Health Matters
Identifying, accepting and forgiveness are three of the key things that have helped me with my mental health.
Continue reading “Mental Health Matters”Practice What You Preach
When I started this business I made a commitment to myself to practice what I preach. My products are all natural, cruelty-free, organic and locally sourced. The items in my shoppe support small business, women-owned businesses and aren’t available on amazon. The containers my products are packaged in are recyclable and even my labels support sustainability!
Continue reading “Practice What You Preach”