As a crystal healer I work to stimulate the body’s energy flow and to restore balance. A crystal healing session will encourage the body to begin to heal itself.
Continue reading “Crystal Healing Sessions Available”What is true in yoga is true in life.
A few things have come up for me lately during my yoga practice. I’m not sure if I’m just more aware because of the yoga teach training I’ve begun, or if it’s influenced by my growth and mindset in general, regardless I’m grateful and wanted to share.
Continue reading “What is true in yoga is true in life.”Evolution
It’s been 8 months since I introduced myself on this platform. In that time I’ve experienced growth in ways I wasn’t even imagining, so I thought maybe it’s time to reintroduce myself to you all. Not as a new being but as someone who’s evolved.
Continue reading “Evolution”March is Magnesium Month
Magnesium is involved in hundreds of biochemical reactions in your body. Every cell in your body contains it and needs it to function!
Continue reading “March is Magnesium Month”Change Starts With You
I was asked a while back if I was ever going to give her a different answer. When I asked about what, she said, “Every time I ask you how you are you say ‘I’m okay’”. I paused for a moment and since then I’ve been digesting that conversation, really thinking about it on a deeper level. Her question, while innocent, delivered a punch. I realized that my immediate response to that question is always, “I’m okay”.
Continue reading “Change Starts With You”